Issue Using CUPTI Activity API with CUDA Graph Enabled on Nvidia Jetson Orin

Issue Overview

Users are experiencing issues with the CUPTI Activity API while utilizing CUDA Graphs for model inference on the Nvidia Jetson Orin. The specific details of the problem include:

  • Symptoms: The registered callbacks for CUPTI, specifically bufferRequested and bufferCompleted, initially function correctly but fail to trigger bufferCompleted after several iterations of model inference. This results in processing data only for the first few iterations, after which it stops.

  • Context: The problem occurs during repeated model inference using the TensorRT official sample, trtexec, after enabling CUDA Graphs. The issue does not manifest on x86 platforms, indicating a potential platform-specific behavior.

  • Hardware/Software Specifications:

    • TensorRT Version: v8502
    • GPU Type: Jetson Orin
    • Nvidia Driver Version: nvidia-jetpack 5.1.1-b56
    • CUDA Version: 11.4
    • CUDNN Version: 8.6
    • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • Frequency: The issue appears to occur consistently during repeated inference operations when using CUDA Graphs.

  • Impact on User Experience: The inability to process data correctly after initial iterations can hinder performance monitoring and debugging efforts, making it difficult for users to utilize the CUPTI Activity API effectively.

Possible Causes

Several factors may contribute to the observed issues:

  • CUDA Graph Limitations: There may be limitations or bugs in how CUDA Graphs interact with the CUPTI Activity API on the Jetson Orin platform, particularly regarding memory management and callback execution.

  • Driver or Library Compatibility: The combination of TensorRT version and Nvidia driver may have compatibility issues that affect how callbacks are registered and executed.

  • Memory Management Issues: If memory allocated for CUDA activities is not managed properly, it could lead to situations where bufferCompleted is never called after certain iterations.

  • Platform-Specific Behavior: Since the issue does not occur on x86 platforms, it suggests that there might be platform-specific optimizations or configurations that are not functioning correctly on the Jetson Orin.

Troubleshooting Steps, Solutions & Fixes

To address the issues related to using the CUPTI Activity API with CUDA Graphs on the Nvidia Jetson Orin, follow these steps:

  1. Update Software:

    • Ensure that you are using the latest version of JetPack that includes TensorRT 8.6. This may resolve compatibility issues:
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt upgrade
  2. Test with Latest Samples:

    • Download and test with updated samples from the TensorRT repository to see if the issue persists with newer code:
      tar xvzf trt_samples.tar.gz
      cd trt_samples/trtexec
      make -j8
      sudo ../../bin/trtexec --loadEngine=./resnet.engine --useCudaGraph
  3. Add Detailed Logging:

    • Enhance logging in both bufferRequested and bufferCompleted functions to capture more detailed information about their execution states and any errors that may occur.
  4. Isolate Memory Management Issues:

    • Investigate how memory is allocated and freed within your application. Ensure that resources are properly managed throughout multiple iterations of model inference.
  5. Test Without CUDA Graphs:

    • Temporarily disable CUDA Graphs to determine if they are indeed causing the issue:
      sudo ../../bin/trtexec --loadEngine=./resnet.engine
  6. Consult Documentation and Community Resources:

    • Refer to NVIDIA’s documentation for CUPTI and TensorRT for any known issues or updates regarding usage with CUDA Graphs.
    • Engage with community forums or NVIDIA support for additional insights or solutions from other users who may have encountered similar issues.
  7. Unresolved Aspects:

    • Users may still face unique challenges based on specific configurations or setups not covered in common solutions. Further investigation may be required if standard troubleshooting does not resolve the problem.

By following these steps, users should be able to troubleshoot and potentially resolve issues related to using the CUPTI Activity API with CUDA Graphs on their Nvidia Jetson Orin devices.

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