How to Use Partner-Supported Cameras with Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit

Issue Overview

Users are experiencing difficulties using partner-supported cameras with the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit running JetPack 5.1.1 (Linux Kernel 35.3.1). Specifically:

  • Many partner-supported cameras are not showing compatibility with the current kernel version.
  • Users are unsure how to run cameras like the Arducam IMX519 16 megapixel autofocus camera with the Orin Nano Developer Kit.
  • There’s confusion about which cameras are currently compatible with the Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit.
  • Users are seeking information on when partner-supported cameras will support JetPack 5.1.1 for the Orin Nano Developer Kit.

Possible Causes

  1. Driver incompatibility: The device drivers for partner-supported cameras may not be updated or ported to work with the latest JetPack release and kernel version.
  2. Lack of configuration: The CSI connector may not be properly configured to enable support for specific camera modules.
  3. Kernel module issues: Required kernel modules for camera support may not be loaded during boot time.
  4. Hardware compatibility: Some cameras may not be physically compatible with the Orin Nano Developer Kit.
  5. Software support gaps: Certain features (like auto-focus) may not be supported by default in the current software stack.

Troubleshooting Steps, Solutions & Fixes

  1. Use officially supported cameras:

    • The Orin Nano Developer Kit officially supports Rbpcv2-imx219 and Rbpcv3-imx477 cameras by default.
  2. Configure CSI connector:

    • Execute Jetson-IO to configure the CSI connector and enable support for specific camera modules:
      sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to enable the desired camera module.
  3. Check kernel module loading:

    • Verify if the required camera module (e.g., IMX477) is loaded during boot time:
      lsmod | grep imx477
    • If not loaded, you may need to manually load the module or add it to the list of modules to be loaded at boot.
  4. For IMX477 camera setup:

    • After configuring with Jetson-IO, connect the camera and run:
      v4l2-ctl --list-devices
    • This should now detect the camera without the "cannot open device" error.
  5. Porting camera drivers:

    • If your specific camera is not supported, you may need to port the driver to the latest JetPack release.
    • Refer to the Sensor Programming Guide documentation for guidance.
    • Check source code of already supported image sensors (e.g., IMX477) as reference:
  6. Auto-focus support:

    • Auto-focus is not supported by default for the IMX477 camera.
    • For cameras with focusers (like some Arducam models), you may need to implement software controls to change the focus position.
    • Check the FocuserPosition API for software control of focus.
  7. Third-party support:

    • Consider contacting Jetson Camera Partners for specific details on camera compatibility and support.
    • Some companies, like RidgeRun, offer services to develop or port drivers for new cameras. Contact them at [email protected] for technical questions.
  8. Stay updated:

    • Regularly check for updates to JetPack and partner-supported camera drivers.
    • Follow Nvidia’s official channels for announcements on expanded camera support for the Orin Nano Developer Kit.

If you continue to experience issues or need support for a specific camera model, it’s recommended to reach out to Nvidia support or the camera manufacturer for the most up-to-date compatibility information and potential workarounds.

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