Capture-camera missing files on selecting “Dataset-path”

Issue Overview

Users are experiencing an issue with the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano Dev board when attempting to train a model using a custom dataset. Specifically, the problem arises during the use of the camera-capture tool, where selecting the "Dataset-path" results in the creation of necessary folders but fails to generate all required files.

The specific symptoms include:

  • The ImageSet/Main folder only contains two files: train.txt and trainval.txt.
  • The expected files, test.txt and val.txt, are missing, which are essential for executing the script.

This issue typically occurs after following guidance from the Jetson AI Fundamentals S3E5 video tutorial. Users have reported this problem consistently, indicating that it is not an isolated incident. The impact on user experience is significant, as the absence of these files prevents users from proceeding with their training tasks.

Possible Causes

Several potential causes for this issue have been identified:

  • Software Bugs or Conflicts: There may be bugs in the camera-capture tool that prevent it from generating all necessary files.

  • Configuration Errors: Incorrect settings or parameters within the tool could lead to incomplete file generation.

  • User Errors or Misconfigurations: Users may not be following the correct steps as outlined in tutorials or documentation.

Each of these causes can lead to incomplete dataset preparation, hindering the training process.

Troubleshooting Steps, Solutions & Fixes

To resolve this issue, users can follow these troubleshooting steps and potential solutions:

  1. Verify Configuration Settings:

    • Ensure that all settings in the camera-capture tool are correctly configured according to the tutorial.
  2. Manually Create Missing Files:

    • If test.txt and val.txt are missing, users can manually create these files by copying train.txt into both:
      cp ImageSet/Main/train.txt ImageSet/Main/test.txt
      cp ImageSet/Main/train.txt ImageSet/Main/val.txt
    • This workaround has been reported to successfully allow users to proceed with their training models.
  3. Check for Software Updates:

    • Ensure that all software related to the Jetson Orin Nano is up-to-date. Check for updates to the camera-capture tool and any relevant libraries.
  4. Consult Documentation:

    • Refer to Nvidia’s official documentation for any known issues or additional configuration steps that may be necessary.
  5. Test with Different Configurations:

    • If problems persist, try using different datasets or configurations to isolate whether the issue is dataset-specific.
  6. Seek Community Support:

    • If none of the above solutions work, consider reaching out on forums or community discussions for further assistance.

By following these steps, users can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the issue related to missing dataset files when using the camera-capture tool on the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano Dev board.

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