Jetson Orin Nano Dev Board: Files Deleted and Recovered After Reboot

Issue Overview

Users of the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano Dev Board have reported a recurring issue where modifications to files are lost after rebooting the device. Specifically, any changes made to files, including deletions, are reverted to their original state upon restart. This problem has been consistently observed across various file types and occurs regardless of the method used for file modification (e.g., using terminal commands like rm or editing files directly). The issue has been described as particularly frustrating, as it undermines the expected functionality of the device, which is intended for development and experimentation.

The problem seems to manifest in several contexts:

  • During Setup: Users have noted that even after configuring files or settings, these changes are not retained.
  • While Running Applications: Any scripts or applications that depend on modified files fail to function correctly after a reboot.
  • Frequency: The issue appears to be persistent and reproducible; every reboot results in the same loss of data.

The impact on user experience is significant, as it limits the ability to develop and test applications effectively. Additionally, users have reported that network configurations also revert to previous states, indicating a broader issue with system persistence.

Possible Causes

Several potential causes for this issue have been identified:

  • Hardware Incompatibilities or Defects: If the storage medium (SD card or external drive) is faulty, it may not retain changes properly.

  • Software Bugs or Conflicts: There might be bugs in the operating system or file system that prevent changes from being saved.

  • Configuration Errors: Incorrect settings in the file system or operating environment could lead to this behavior.

  • Driver Issues: Outdated or incompatible drivers may cause problems with file handling and persistence.

  • Environmental Factors: Power supply issues or temperature fluctuations could affect hardware performance and data retention.

  • User Errors or Misconfigurations: Improper shutdown procedures or mismanagement of file permissions could lead to unexpected behavior.

Each of these causes could contribute to the observed problem by preventing the operating system from committing changes to disk properly.

Troubleshooting Steps, Solutions & Fixes

To diagnose and resolve the issue of files being deleted or reverted after rebooting on the Jetson Orin Nano Dev Board, users can follow these comprehensive troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check File System Type:

    • Run the command df -H -T to verify the file system type and ensure it is ext4, which supports journaling.
  2. Inspect File Permissions:

    • Use ls -l on affected files to check permissions and ownership settings.
  3. Monitor Serial Console Logs:

    • Start a serial console log session before rebooting. Capture logs during shutdown and after rebooting to analyze any anomalies.
  4. Test File Deletion:

    • Before deleting a file, check its inode number using:
      ls -il /path/to/file
    • After deletion, use:
      sudo find / -inum <inode_number>

      This checks if multiple instances of the file exist due to potential corruption.

  5. Check for Cross-Linking:

    • If multiple files are found with the same inode number, this may indicate corruption. Document these findings and consider reformatting the storage medium.
  6. Review Boot Logs:

    • Collect boot logs from UART as suggested by other users. This can help identify issues occurring during startup that affect file persistence.
  7. Use sha1sum:

    • Compare checksums of files before and after rebooting using:
      sha1sum /path/to/file
    • This will confirm if content changes upon reboot.
  8. Reformat Storage Medium:

    • If issues persist despite troubleshooting, consider backing up data and reformatting the SD card or external storage device.
  9. Update Software:

    • Ensure that all software components are up-to-date, including JetPack version and any relevant drivers.
  10. Consult Documentation:

    • Review Nvidia’s official documentation for any updates regarding known issues with file persistence on Jetson boards.
  11. Best Practices for Future Prevention:

    • Regularly back up important configurations and data.
    • Follow proper shutdown procedures using software commands instead of hardware buttons when possible.
    • Monitor environmental conditions such as power supply stability.

By following these steps systematically, users can isolate the cause of their issues with file persistence on the Jetson Orin Nano Dev Board and implement effective solutions.

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