GLUT Window Resizing Issue on Jetson Orin Nano

Issue Overview

Users are experiencing an issue with GLUT window resizing on the Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano developer board. When dragging the window by the title bar or resizing it, the screen size elongates or increases unexpectedly. This problem does not occur on older Jetson Nano 4GB boards, suggesting it’s specific to the Orin Nano platform. The issue impacts the user experience and functionality of GLUT-based applications on this hardware.

Possible Causes

  1. Driver incompatibility: The NVIDIA drivers on the Orin Nano may have compatibility issues with GLUT or OpenGL implementations.

  2. GLUT library bug: There could be a bug in the GLUT library implementation for the Orin Nano architecture.

  3. Hardware-specific issue: The problem might be related to the Orin Nano’s graphics hardware or its interaction with the GLUT library.

  4. Software stack differences: Variations in the software stack between Jetson Nano and Orin Nano could be causing this behavior.

  5. Compiler or build environment differences: The issue might be related to how the application is compiled on the Orin Nano compared to the Jetson Nano.

Troubleshooting Steps, Solutions & Fixes

  1. Verify NVIDIA drivers:
    Run the following command to ensure NVIDIA drivers are correctly installed:

    glxinfo | egrep -i '(version|nvidia)'

    Ensure that the output shows NVIDIA Corporation as the vendor and mentions Tegra Orin.

  2. Update GLUT and related libraries:
    Try updating GLUT and related libraries to the latest versions compatible with the Orin Nano:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade freeglut3 libglut3-dev
  3. Modify the reshape function:
    The issue appears to be in the glutReshapeWindow function. Modify the reshape_func as follows:

    static void reshape_func(int width, int height)
        //glutReshapeWindow(width, height);
        win_x = width;
        win_y = height;

    This workaround prevents the unexpected resizing behavior.

  4. Check for compiler warnings:
    Pay attention to compiler warnings, especially those related to buffer overflows. Ensure all sprintf calls use appropriately sized buffers:

    char messagelist[100]; // Increase buffer size
    sprintf(messagelist, "I/O_%d [S]%d [L]%d > G.revmid[%d] G.goal[%d]", ...);
  5. Test with different OpenGL versions:
    Try forcing the use of a specific OpenGL version in your code:

    glutInitContextVersion(3, 3);
  6. Investigate GLVND (OpenGL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch):
    The CMake warning suggests using GLVND. Try setting the OpenGL preference in your CMakeLists.txt:

  7. Cross-compile and test:
    If possible, try cross-compiling the application on a different system and then running it on the Orin Nano to isolate potential build environment issues.

  8. Report the issue:
    If the problem persists after trying these solutions, consider reporting the issue to NVIDIA’s Jetson forum or GitHub repository with a minimal reproducible example.

  9. Alternative libraries:
    As a last resort, consider using alternative libraries like GLFW or SDL2 instead of GLUT to see if the issue is specific to GLUT on the Orin Nano.

By following these steps and applying the workaround, users should be able to resolve or mitigate the GLUT window resizing issue on the Jetson Orin Nano developer board.

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